Where can I learn more
about Spiritism? Spiritist Resources, Spiritist Teachings, Teachings of
Spiritism, Discover Spiritism, mediumship, spirits, reincarnation, ghosts,
after-life, life after death, spirit realm
Looking for places and ways to study Spiritism?
Looking for information about
and from Spiritism?
Here is a
collection of resources that we recommend.
If you're new to Explore Spiritism , then start right here!

Topics: God,
soul/spirit, after-life, evolution & progress, faith, mediumship /
spirit communication, spirit guides, meaning of life, ascension,
love, charity, duty, accountability, karma.
website is your gateway to an understanding of what Spiritism is all
about and the knowledge it has to offer.
Do you wonder what
happens when we die? Or why we're here?
Would you find comfort
in knowing that you'll be one day reunited with those who have
Do you believe that you
must be more than just a physical body? If so, what does that mean?
Have you wondered
wondered where your personal tendencies and inclinations come from,
or why we're born into such diverse conditions?
Have you asked yourself
about God?
Do you wonder why there
is suffering?
Would it make sense for
us to be accountable for our actions?
Are you seeking a
source of faith that goes hand-in-hand with reason?
You've come to the
right place! Check
it out!
Explore Spiritism on
As the dynamic extension of the Explore Spiritism website, our
Facebook page serves as a way to offer our fans periodic posts with
inspiring quotations, articles on various topics from the Spiritist
perspective, resource suggestions, announcements, links with
commentary, and more. |
Spiritism blog is all about understanding and reflecting on
life, taking inspiration from the Spiritist teachings. Here you’ll
find news, inspirational texts, resources, personal reflections &
commentary, and much more. Subscribe to get email alerts on
new posts. |
Other Recommended Resources:
Spiritist Books!
Whether they are scientific studies, spirit revelations, moral or
philosophical explanations, biblical interpretations, educational
narratives, recounting of personal experiences, or inspiring
and motivational messages or teachings, these books all share in the
common goals of helping us to understand our true spiritual nature
and encouraging us seek out a continuous inner transformation.
We have
listed here some places where Spiritist books are available.
Some books have also been
made available for
free download. |
.png) |
Changing Lives with
Fresh Perspectives for a New Humanity
Written by a co-founder of this website!
As a friendly
invitation to learn about Spiritism,
this book
provides an overview of the fundamental principles of
Spiritism and the activity of Spiritists, as well as clarifications
regarding some common misconceptions that people often have. An
underlying message is the value of the knowledge that Spiritism
offers to those who study it. The author also includes some of her
own experiences and reflections as she came to learn about Spiritism.
Learn more at the
book's website.
Spiritist Centers
Find a
Spiritist Center Near You
Read here about
What Goes On At A Spiritist Center.
If you are in the US,
check the
United States Spiritist Council
page to see if there is a registered Spiritist Center in your area.
If you are in the UK,
check here for the centers listed on the
British Union of Spiritist Societies
Canadians can check the
Canadian Spiritist Council website.
There are Spiritist
Centers in other places as well. For other specific countries, check
for them by searching online. You may be surprised! |
The NW Spiritism
This is a highly recommended
blog in which the author, Brian Foster shares a great deal
of information about Spiritism, supported with examples and
references that he encounters in Spiritist literature and other
Spiritist resources. Brian is also the author of several books he
has made available on Kindle. Check them out on this blog. |
Kardec Radio
Kardec Radio is a weekly,
Spiritist on-line radio show
that focuses on health,
spirituality, and spiritual awareness. Each week, the host
introduces the topic for the day, with some comments regarding the
Spiritist perspective, which is followed by one or more guest
They have had a great
line-up of guests so far, with more to come!
You also listen to previous shows with on-demand audio accessible right from the
website. |
The Spiritist Magazine
Articles of interest on
a wide variety of topics, from the Spiritist perspective, as well as
Spiritist news and announcements. on a The English edition of the
Revue Spirite, founded by
Allan Kardec on January 1st,1858.
The Spiritist Magazine is published by the International
Spiritist Council. You can purchase digital additions or
subscriptions, published via Zinio, at this site. |
USSC Live Web Meetings
These live web meetings
are sponsored by the United States Spiritist Council. Check this
page for current schedule and upcoming topics. |
online course
in Spiritism, designed
to promote the study and practice of Spiritism, while contributing
to the preparation of Spiritist practitioners. |
Spiritist Network
At Spiritist Network,
you will find a growing collection of
including Spiritist talks and presentations, given at Spiritist
centers, symposiums, and other events and venues.
These videos cover a
wide range of topics, including not only the Spiritist principles,
but also how they apply to our everyday life.
Spiritist Society of
Baltimore Live Webcastingenter Near You
The Spiritist Society
of Baltimore broadcasts meetings online. Saturdays 6pm. Check their
for scheduled topics.
Toronto Spiritist
Society Live Webcastingenter Near You
The Toronto Spiritist
Society broadcasts meetings online. Check their
for currently scheduled times and topics.
Spiritist Talks on
These groups post talks given at their Spiritist Centers on YouTube.
Click the images to link to their channels. |
There are several
Spiritist groups and pages on Facebook that offer inspiring
messages, articles, announcements, etc. |