Book Title:  Diary of A Drug Addict¹ 
Spirit Author:
Andre K.
Gorete Newton  
First Published 1995, by Lichtverlag 


Description from the introduction to the book

This book tells the story of the spirit Andre K, who, in 1995, was given permission to dictate his own story, after undergoing years of recovery treatment in the spirit realm, which included witnessing a weekly séance meeting held by a group of incarnate mediums. In this group, through the medium Maria Gorette Newton, he describes his tragic death by drug overdose, which took place in 1975, while he lived in Zurich, Switzerland. It is a richly descriptive narrative for parents, their children and society, offering a glimpse of the afterlife consequences resulting from drug consumption.

Translation of original in Portuguese, titled "Diario de um Drogado"
² As published 2009, by the U.S. Spiritist Council