Book Title:  Endearing Gems
Spirit Author: Various Spirits¹ 
Medium: Francisco Cāndido Xavier¹

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Excerpt from the preface to the book² :

In the year 2002, we found ourselves in such a great quandary, due to the departure of such a dear and valuable missionary, a true example of self-denial and love to others.  We could not avoid being concerned about the present situation of Spiritists in the United States, striving for the dissemination of the Spiritist philosophy.  Therefore, we have gathered in this book a collection of articles, interviews, and book excerpts, in order for readers in English speaking countries to understand and to get to know a little about the extraordinary person that Francisco Cāndido Xavier was.  As Jesus said, it is by the fruits that we know about the quality of the tree, and in the same manner, it is by the work he left us, that we can see how valuable he was.... 

The reader will be delightfully pleased with some of the enlightening messages and examples of his life that have illuminated our hearts and given us a vital understanding throughout the years of our humble service in the name of our Father.   

¹ Translation of a collection of articles, interviews, and book excerpts (in Portuguese), some directly from Francisco Cāndido Xavier, some received through him
² written Jussara Korngold & Marie Levinson, as published in 2005 by the Spiritist Alliance for Books