Book Title: Green Light¹
Spirit Author:  André Luiz
Medium: Francisco Cândido Xavier    

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Excerpts from the introduction to the book (as written by the Spirit, Emmanuel)²:

We all know how important it is to have innermost peace, a peace which gives us safety.  We are all aware that we have been living in an ocean of mental waves with the imperative of adjusting these waves to our own benefit.  It is a vast sea of interchanging vibrations, through which we send and receive power.  The mind acts based on this inevitable exchanging system…

This book is a result of research done by a friend who is, presently, a doctor in the spiritual.  You will find in this book the blessing of a multitude of questions and answers from those who are facing the challenge of life in the material world.  These questions and answers point the way to the right path in our daily life. It is comparable to a precious list of recommendations to ensure innermost health…

It opens for us a clear pathway wherein we should bear in mind that we need to treat others as we would wish to be treated ourselves.  Thinking in this way, we can move forward to achieve the plans of elevation and progress, at peace with others, and with ourselves, the the power of peace of mind.

¹ Translation of original in Portuguese, titled “Luz Verde”
² as published in 2005 by The Spiritist Group of Brighton