Book Title:  The Gospel at Home
Written and published by: Allan Kardec Educational Society  


This book works as a study companion for those seeking direction in their practice of the Gospel At Home.  It includes passages from "The Gospel Explained By The Spiritist Doctrine" (written by Kardec, who, in turn, includes passages from the New Testament) and offers suggested questions for you and your family members to ponder, ones that may spark discussion on a particular interpretation or application of the lesson under study.  It is especially helpful for those who are new to the Spiritist Doctrine and the practice of Gospel At Home or for families with young children, as it helps to engage the children in the family discussion.

Excerpt from the introduction to the book²:

This guide was designed to help the person who is seeking a new relationship with the Gospel while establishing the presence of Jesus as the inspiration for the family.  Each lesson should offer new perspectives on issues of your daily life, as well as inspire your personal transformation.  The essential goal of this experience is to help you to discover the message of Jesus and to help you and your family to apply it to your daily life.  At the same time, this experience will help foster the faith and develop the knowledge that you and your family or study group members need in order to progress while on the road to self-discovery.

as published in 2001(?), by the Allan Kardec Educational Society