Explore Spiritism
An Introduction to Spiritism, codified by Allan Kardec


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Welcome! :  Introduction to Spiritism
What is Spiritism? 
History of Spiritism
Is there a danger in Spiritism?
What is a Spiritist Center?
Spiritism in Depth 
Study of the spirit
Spirit Science, Universal Elements, Mediumship
Understanding of life
Spirits, Spirit Life, Life After Death, Reincarnation. Evolution
Morality, Religiosity, Spirituality
 Natural law, God, Moral Guidance, Alliance of Science and Religion
Explore even more!
Spiritist Books
Additional resources for studying Spiritism


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Changing Lives
with Spiritism:

Fresh Perspectives
for a New Humanity

Easy to read, very informative explanation about Spiritism
and activities of Spiritists. Written by a co-founder of this website!

(Get it on Amazon!)_

Read more about it!



Follow the Explore Spiritism blog!
A perfect complement to this website


Have you seen
"Nosso Lar"?

If you're interested in the topic of life after death, we highly recommend this beautiful movie!

Description & our review!


Copyrights to all original design and content, on all pages within the ExploreSpiritism.com domain, belong to the Leon Denis Spiritist Group.
The mission of ExploreSpiritism.com is to provide education on the spiritual and philosophical principles of Spiritism, in accordance with the works of Allan Kardec.