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Inspired Mediums

Presentient Mediums


           Presentient mediums are a variety of inspired mediums.  Kardec writes,

The kind of impression which we call presentiment is a vague intuition of future things.  This faculty, more or less developed in certain mediums, is sometimes the result of a sort of second-sight, by which they obtain glimpses of the future consequences of of current events and thus perceive the connections between the present and future occurrences; however, it is also, in many cases, the result of occult communications.  It is to persons who are thus endowed, and who constitute a subset of inspired mediums, that we give the appellation of presentient mediums.



Kardec, Allan. "Writing Mediums or Psychographs." The Mediums' Book. 2nd ed (1st edition FEB). Trans. Anna Blackwell (translated 1876). Ed. Livraria Espírita Allan Kardec. Brasilia-DF, Brazil:  Federação Espírita Brasileira [Brazilian Spiritist Federation}. 1986. 190-194 (items 180-184).

Rigonatti, Eliseu. "Mediuns Inspirados" [Inspired Mediums] A Mediunidade Sem Lagrimas [Mediumship Without Tears]. Sao Paulo: Editora Pensamento Ltda. 2000. 19.

Schubert, Suely Caldas. "Psicofonia" [Psychophony]. Mediunidade: Caminho Para Ser Feliz [Mediumship: The Path to Happiness]. Votuporanga- SP, Brazil. Casa Editora Espírita "Pierre-Paul Didier". 1999. 145-147.

