An Exchange Between Two Worlds |
Physical vs. Intellectual Mediumship | Organic and Spiritual Causes

Physical vs. Intellectual Mediumship

Part 2 of 2:  Intellectual Effects:

The mediumship of intellectual effects, which is more common, produces intelligent communications through the spoken word, writing, inspiration, and intuition, etc.  Unlike the mediumship of physical effects, in which the spirits utilize the nervous-fluidic emission of the medium, in the mediumship of intellectual effects, the organism of the medium is directly affected by the perispirit of the manifesting spirit.  The spirit who wishes to communicate links its own perispirit with that of the medium so as to influence the medium to reproduce its thought by speaking or writing (see more in "How Intellectual Mediumship Works" on the menu bar at left). 

Just as there are involuntary and voluntary physical mediums, there are varying degrees of consciousness in the medium in which the intellectual mediumship can manifest.  The medium may be completely conscious of the spirit's presence and the communication given at the moment it is taking place, completely unaware of what is being communicated at the time of the mediumistic exchange, or in some degree of consciousness in between these two states.

Mediums of intellectual effects act as "interpreters" for the spirits who use them as an instrument to communicate, be it directly to the medium or to other human beings.  When exercised by mediums of moral integrity and devoted study, this faculty may manifest, for example, in the communications of inspired mediums who receive intuitions beneficial to our moral and/or intellectual progress.  Another example would be the manifestation of the faculty in writing or speaking mediums who bring us educational and inspirational messages and teachings from higher spirits, as well as communications from suffering and inferior spirit who we are able to counsel and steer in a more positive direction, while at the same time learning from their experiences. 

In order for a medium to exercise his or her faculty with a noble interest, meaning to obtain communications from, and enjoy the company of good spirits, or to have the support and aid of good spirits when receiving communications from suffering or inferior sprits, it is essential that the medium recognize the great responsibility involved in the tasks entrusted to him or her and act accordingly. These responsibilities begin with vigilance and care concerning his or her moral state, both in day-to-day thoughts and actions, as well as during the exercise of his or her mediumship.  Likewise, the medium, like all of us, should be continuously working toward a personal reform and spiritual growth.  In the practice of Spiritism, a devoted study of both the Gospel and of Spiritist works pertaining to the theory and practice of mediumship is also considered necessary for the serious medium, from the novice in the first stages of development, to the most advanced medium with a great deal of experience.  There is always more to learn.  At the same time, study keeps the mind and heart focused in the right direction.  You can read more about these responsibilities in the topics that follow.  

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