An Exchange Between Two Worlds |
Physical vs. Intellectual Mediumship | Organic and Spiritual Causes

 Organic and Spiritual Causes    

Mediumship is produced by both organic and spiritual causes.

As stated previously, the easy vibration of the physical medium's nervous system, by which his or her perispirit gives off a nervous-fluidic emission that is used by the spirits, serves in the production of the phenomena of physical effects. 

Likewise, the rapidity of those vibrations allows for a certain expansion and liberty of the intellectual medium's perispirit.  This expansion facilitates the connection between the perispirits of the medium and the manifesting, thereby producing the phenomena of intellectual effects.

A certain organic predisposition, one that includes a greater degree of mediumistic sensitivity and a propensity toward the above mentioned vibrations, allows for the ostensive mediumistic faculty of an individual.  Kardec writes that "...the mediumistic faculty can be developed when the [seed for this sensitivity an vibrational capacity] exists, but it can not be acquired if the seed does not exist.  This mediumistic predisposition is independent of sex, age, and temperament."   ("Posthumous Works" #33, pg 54)

The cause of mediumship is also spiritual, by definition in fact, for "without the cooperation of the spirits, mediumship would be useless, just as our eyes would be useless if there were no light". (Rigonatti) 


Barbosa, Pedro Franco. "Principios Basicos Da Doutrina Espirita" [Basic Principles of the Spiritist Doctrine. Espiritismo Basico [Basic Spiritism]. 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil: Federação Espírita Brasileira [Brazilian Spiritist Federation]. 1987. [Communication Between the Two Worlds], 143-146.

Schubert, Suely Caldas. "O Que É O Espiritismo" [What is Spiritism] Mediunidade: Caminho Para Ser Feliz [Mediumship: The Path to Happiness]. Sao Paulo. Casa Editora Espírita "Pierre-Paul Didier". 1999.  Place of Publication: Publisher. Year. 17-24.S

Schubert, Suely Caldas. "O Que É Ser Medium" [What Does it Mean To Be A Medium] Mediunidade: Caminho Para Ser Feliz [Mediumship: The Path to Happiness]. Sao Paulo. Casa Editora Espírita "Pierre-Paul Didier". 1999.  Place of Publication: Publisher. Year. 31-35.

Rigonatti, Eliseu. "A Comunicação Entre Os Encarnados E Desencarnados" [The Communication Between The Incarnate and Discarnate]. A Mediunidade Sem Lagrimas [Mediumship Without Tears]. Sao Paulo: Editora Pensamento Ltda. 2000. 7.

Rigonatti, Eliseu. "A Mediunidade" [Mediumship]. A Mediunidade Sem Lagrimas [Mediumship Without Tears]. Sao Paulo: Editora Pensamento Ltda. 2000. 8-9.

Kardec, Allan. "Manifestações Dos Espiritos" [Manifestations of Spirits]. Obras Póstumas  [Posthumous Works]. 8th ed. Trans. Salvador Gentile. Ed (of translation). Elias Barbosa. (translated from 6th edition in French). Araras-SP, Brazil. Instituto de Difusão Espírita [Institute for Spiritist Dissemination].1993. item 33, p.54.

Kardec, Allan. "Mediums" and "Writing Mediums or Psychographs." The Mediums' Book. 2nd ed (1st edition FEB). Trans. Anna Blackwell (translated 1876). Ed. Livraria Espírita Allan Kardec. Brasilia-DF, Brazil:  Federação Espírita Brasileira [Brazilian Spiritist Federation}. 1986. 172-194.
