Moral Deficiencies | Present Effects of Past Causes |
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Present Effects of Past Causes

Part 2 of 2:  Seeking an Old Accomplice

A second way in which a past cause becomes a present motive for obsession is when the present victim of obsession represents, to the obsessing spirit, an accomplice in offenses committed together during a previously shared Earthly existence. Such an obsessor now seeks out this individual, a "partner in crime" who he does not want to lose, and tries to do everything he can to retain this person in his trajectory and to keep alive the immoral behaviors that they shared in their unscrupulous past.  Once again, the subconscious guilt of the incarnate individual, coupled with an unfortunate lack of self-vigilance, open this individual's receptivity to the persistent thought waves transmitted by his persecutor, thus allowing for the process of obsession to begin.

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