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Spiritual Treatment for More Severe Obsessions

Counseling the Spirit:  Part 2 of 3

As the counselor converses with the spirit*, he explains to him the harm that he is doing to himself, by acting in such a way and explains that making his victim suffer will only give that individual a motive to one day react with aggression toward him, once again, thus perpetuating this vicious cycle. Also important is the fact that, while the obsessing spirit may think that revenge will bring him justice and pleasure, the counselor helps him to realize that he has not really attained any happiness in his efforts thus far, and that any satisfaction he does feel is only false and fleeting. He then helps the Spirit to understand that he has the power to break the chains that bind him and to work, instead, toward achieving peace and true happiness, that God does not abandon any of his children, and that he, too, is loved and will be supported in any efforts he makes toward his own salvation. Again, all of this takes time. The spirit, eventually convinced of the benefits derived from forgiving, ceases to torment the person whom he had targeted, and, little by little, the two are helped in the process of healing. Sometimes, the spirit who once desired only to hurt the incarnate individual, after treatment, feels so grateful for the assistance he's been given and the hope that comes from his new attitude and perspective, that he even turns completely around and begins to work for the benefit of his former enemy.

* In order to speak to the spirit with any kind of authority that will draw the spirit's attention and respect, the counselor must be morally prepared for his work. This moral authority is what will allow him to eventually convince the spirit of the points he is making. The counselor, as well as the other attending participants are often followed - for an extended period of time - by the communicating spirits, to see if they actually "practice what they preach."

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