Introduction | Two Basic Concepts |
Components of Mediumistic Transmission: Fluidic Affinity & Mental Tuning

Two Components of Mediumistic Transmission:
Fluidic Affinity & Mental Tuning

Mental Tuning, Part 3 of 3:
Tuning with spirits of Higher and Lower Vibratory Levels

When establishing a mental tuning with an elevated spirit, the medium's concentration and the resulting loosening, or expansion, of his or her perispirit will help to elevate the medium's vibration, the latter of which is weakened naturally by the influence of the material body and does not, otherwise (even despite the medium's respectable level of morality) meet that of a discarnate, elevated spirit.   In addition, to aid in the perception of its thoughts and the accuracy of transmission, the illuminated spirit is able to increase the density of its own perispirit by absorbing subtle material (spiritual fluids) from the environment, consequently lowering, temporarily, its own vibratory frequency, and thus descending to the level of the medium or similarly, to that of a different individual it desires to influence, such as the director of a mediumship session, a speaker teaching lessons of the Gospel, etc. (M. Peralva, "Estudando A Mediunidade pg 57-62).  

With the above statement in mind, it should be pointed out that, logically, the more an individual understands and practices the teachings of the Gospel, likewise the more benevolent he or she is, the greater his or her natural affinity with elevated spirits will be, thus reducing the sacrifice and work required by these instructors for perception and accurate transmission of their thought by the medium.  

In the special case of a mediumship session held for giving aid to inferior or suffering spirits, a medium will receive communications from spirits of a lower vibratory level. You may ask then, how does a medium achieve vibratory affinity with such a spirit? This is possible because, if the medium has previously conquered, or passed, a given vibratory level and is already at a better evolutionary stage, he or she, when willingly tuning in to that spirit, is able to perceive the thoughts and emotions it wishes to express, unlike the case of communication with an elevated spirit, where the vibrations must be adjusted for the medium to perceive the spirit's message.  In this case, the medium accepts the communication with the charitable and responsible purpose of offering the spirit an opportunity to receive help. 
