Introduction | Philosophic Argument |
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Philosophic Argument

Part 1 of 3:  Background

The philosophic arguments for reincarnation stem, largely, from the ability of a philosophy of reincarnation to explain:

(1) much of what we witness and experience in life here on Earth, specifically
      - the infinite inequalities found among human beings

     -  physical and intellectual abilities
     - physical formation and life duration
     - moral values, behavioral tendencies, and habits
     - conditions such as social status and wealth vs. discrimination and poverty, etc. 

(2) what we may speculate to happen after death.

In order to demonstrate this argument, let's start here by reviewing, as background, the basic premise of the Spiritist philosophy of reincarnation.  It says that those of us living here on Earth have lived through multiple previous existences, whereby each of us, having been created in an equal state of simplicity and unawareness, used our free will to react to the situations we were presented with and to decide our own course of action, thereby determining our own path and pace of evolution.  All of our experiences and actions thus far, both good and bad, are stored within the archives of our spirit, whereby the moral and intellectual state at which we find ourselves today is the sum result of all our past existences; therefore, each of us, at a still impure state, possesses a unique and mixed set of attitudes and behavioral tendencies that will be reflected in the personality we portray here on Earth.  In addition, the Natural Law of "Action and Reaction", based on the evolutionary needs of our spirit, presents us with circumstances that offer lessons to be learned as well as suffering that serves us in  reparatory purposes.  The combination of our personality-type differences, our unique life situations¹, and the fact that we are each evolving at our own pace, results in a huge spectrum of evolutionary development found among human beings.


Both the application of such a premise to explain the inequalities found among us and the resulting conditions we may undergo after "death" imply two assumptions²:
(1) the existence of the soul and
(2) the belief in some sort of afterlife, the opposite of which would be annihilation or a merging of individual souls in a Universal Whole. 

¹ the varying life situations afforded to each of us to meet our own particular needs
Note: Spiritists do not believe in these ideas based on assumption alone, however, for they has been proven experimentally through spirit phenomena and communications.

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