Always couched in simple and dignified language.
● Show kindness and benevolence, not hatred (either for men or other
● Only desire the good of others.
● Only give utterance to kind and noble sentiments.
● Never are offended by examination of their communications; on the
contrary, they advise it and have nothing to fear.
● Language is always dignified, noble, elevated, and clear.
● Express themselves with simplicity and modesty, never make a parade of
their learning nor boast of their position in the spirit world.
● The meaning of their communications is always the same. Their
thoughts are also consistent, independent of time and place of transmissions.
Communications are more or less developed, according to circumstances,
needs, and facilities of communication; but they are never
● Only state what they know; are silent or confess ignorance with regard
to subjects with which they are unacquainted.
● May sometimes give us a hint or presentiment of future events, when
some useful end is to be gained by doing so, but never, or rarely, give
minute details or fixed dates.
● Express themselves simply and concisely; communications are clear,
intelligible, and easily understood.
● Never command, never assume airs of authority; give only counsel. If
we do not listen to them, they retire.
● Never flatter; approve what is right, but always with moderation.
● Are above formalities and trifles.
● Are scrupulous of giving us advice in regard to our action in the
affairs of our daily life, and only do so for the attainment of some
serious and useful end. (We must never act upon any spirit advice,
unless the advice thus given is entirely approved of by our reason and
● Are prudent in regard to all that could compromise individuals; to
unveil evil is repugnant to them.
● Only prescribe what is good; counsel is always in strict conformity
with the purest form of charity as exemplified by the teachings of Jesus
in the Gospel.
● Only make statements in perfect accordance with reason and laws of
● Physical indications − calmness and gentleness in treatment of the
● Pleasantry is often subtle and keen, but never undignified.
● Use
low and unsuitable language.
● Evidence a want of kindness or nobility.
● Take scrutiny amiss and try to dissuade us from engaging in it.
● Language always shows some trace of human passions, every expression
indicating ignorance, vulgarity, arrogance,
boastfulness, or acrimony − characteristic of inferiority and fraud (if
using an honored name).
● Meaning of communications is not consistent; statements are illogical,
unreasonable, and unwise.
● Talk boldly of everything, regardless of truth.
● Make random predictions of future events with minute assertions in
regard to pretended facts of which we know nothing (For example, an announcement of
some given event, as being destined to occur at given time, is usually a
● Often endeavor to disguise their poverty of ideas under a pompous and
inflated style, and are often pretentious, ridiculous, or obscure, while
trying to appear profound.
● Are imperious; they give orders, try to make us obey them, and persist
in staying, even when bidden to go away
● Exclusive and absolute in their opinions; pretend that they alone
speak the truth. They demand a blind credence and never appeal to
reason, which would unmask their pretensions.
● Overwhelm us with exaggerated praise; contrive to stimulate pride and
vanity, even while ostensibly preaching humility.
● Assume eccentric and ridiculous names, trying to impose on our
● Borrow great names, often seeking to flatter a medium's vanity and
then lead him on to regrettable absurdities.
● Delight in bringing evil into view; exaggerate, blame, and excite
discord by perfidious insinuations.
● Make suggestions opposed to common sense and to the laws of nature.
● Physical indications - action on the medium is sometimes violent,
producing in him a feverish or convulsive agitation, or causing him to
make abrupt and jerking motions.
● Give perverse counsels
● Excite distrust and animosity against those whom they dislike, and
direct their animadversions especially against those who are able to
detect their inferiority.
● Seek out the weak in order to lead them astray, employing, by turns,
sophistry, sarcasm, abuse, and even physical violence, as proof of their
occult power; they do their utmost to turn their prey from the path of truth.
● Those who have busied themselves with one single idea or pursuit
during their earthly life often remain, for long periods, under the sway
of their terrestrial ideas, and retain many of the prejudices,
predilections, and even manias of their earthly life.
● Satire of spirits of a lower degree, who, without being rude, are
sometimes fond of bantering, is often sharp and perfectly to the point.